What is it?

Jugging refers to a type of crime that involves stealing money from people who have just withdrawn cash from a bank or ATM. The perpetrator follows the victim to a new location, then robs them.

To protect yourself from jugging, here are some tips:


Be mindful of your surroundings: When withdrawing money, be observant. Check if anyone is watching you. Also, do not use an ATM that is not working properly, even if minor. If you notice anyone acting suspiciously or following you, leave the area.


Don't display your cash: After withdrawing cash, put it away immediately in your wallet or purse. Avoid counting it in public or travelling for an extended period. Never leave large sums of cash in your car.


Be discreet with your transaction: Dispose of your bank slip properly. If you are using an ATM, shield the keypad with your hand or body while entering your PIN. Make sure to take your card and transaction receipt before leaving.


Vary your routine: If possible, visit your bank at different times of the day or use different branches or ATMs to make it harder to predict your behavior.


Stay alert after leaving the bank or ATM: If you suspect that someone is following you or that you are being targeted for robbery, go to a public place, like a store or a restaurant, and call the police immediately.


Remember, the best way to protect yourself from jugging is to be proactive and aware of your surroundings by avoiding unnecessary risks. If you ever feel unsafe, trust your instincts, and seek help immediately!

If you feel a jugging threat is imminent, call 911 immediately or your local law enforcement agency.


Report jugging incidents to the FBI:

Phone call: 800-225-5324

Website: tips.fbi.gov