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Safety & Security


We are committed to providing a safe online banking experience for our customers. Protecting your personal information and ensuring your account information is secure is a top priority at The MINT National Bank. We are committed to helping you recognize fraud and learn how to protect yourself.

Please familiarize yourself with the following information to find out how we protect you and how you can protect yourself by identifying, preventing and reporting fraudulent activity.

We Protect Your Information

Your data and your online banking experience should be safe and secure. We use the latest in technology to provide a secure online banking environment.

The MINT National Bank's Online Banking (OLB) uses industry-standard technology, including out-of-band authentication, password-controlled entry, data encryption using 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, and firewalls and filtering routers. Each security component acts as a layer of protection to safeguard sensitive data from unauthorized users.

Password Controlled Access

A private user ID and password is required to log into our Online Banking.

  • You are required to change this password during your first online banking session.
  • We use out of band authentication to ensure only you are able to access your accounts. Before logging in for the first time – you will need to enter a special, one-time use code which can only be sent to a telephone number we already have on file for you.
  • You should keep your password and user ID private. You are responsible for the safekeeping of your password and you agree not to disclose or otherwise make the password available to anyone who is not authorized to sign on your accounts.
  • If you log in to an online banking session and then leave your computer, our system will log you out automatically after 15 minutes of inactivity.
  • If your password is changed, an automated security alert is sent to your email address on file.
  • If you sign on from a different computer or device; you will be prompted with a one-time security code before you can log in.

Automated Security Alerts

  • You will receive an automated security alert if you change your address or password.
  • You will also receive an email if you change your email address.
  • You will receive an email if you change your telephone number(s).

Data Encryption

Once you have logged in correctly, you will enter a secure environment in which you can conduct your transactions safely.

  • Once you begin the login process, the exchange of information over the Internet is encrypted. This means the information is scrambled in such a way that it cannot be read by anyone other than you and The MINT National Bank.
  • Our website uses SSL, the leading security protocol, to encrypt the data that travels between the Bank and our customer.

The above security measures keep your transactions safe and secure over the Internet while using The MINT National Bank's Online Banking (OLB).

Why we use 'Dot-BANK', also referred to as .BANK

Cyber security is very important to us at The MINT and we extend that to our customers to provide a safe website for you to transact your online banking.   

Almost anyone can acquire a "dot com" website address. That means online criminals can create 'spoof' websites and email addresses that can fool people into giving away personal information.   

FTLD Registry Services — established in 2011 by a coalition of banks, insurance companies and financial services trade associations from around the world — launched .BANK in May 2015, as 'a trusted, verified, more secure and easily identifiable location on the Internet for the global banking community and the customers it serves'.

All .BANK domains are required to meet more than 30 stringent security requirements that go above and beyond the .com domains. Only verified members of the global banking community can be approved for a .BANK domain. Only after completing the extensive verification process can a .BANK domain be purchased.

When you come across a domain name ending in .BANK, you will be able to trust it as belonging to a verified financial institution.

Online Security Tips

  • SECURITY NOTICE: There has been an increase in fraud involving email scams and Wire Transfers. For your security, please call your title company or intended beneficiary at a previously verified and trusted telephone number to confirm the wiring instructions before sending funds.

    To help protect yourself from fraud; do not act upon emails or telephone calls requesting changes to original wire transfer instructions without first contacting the beneficiary and/or title company at a previously known contact phone number or email address. You should not use the contact information in the email requesting the change since it most likely belongs to the fraudster.
  • If you receive an email that warns you that an account of yours will be shut down unless you confirm your account information, DO NOT REPLY OR CLICK ON A LINK IN THE EMAIL.  Instead, contact the company cited in the email using a telephone number or web site address you know to be genuine.
  • Avoid sending personal and/or financial information in an email.
  • Before submitting financial information through a Web site, look for the lock icon on the browser's status bar. The padlock signals that your information is being transmitted over a secure connection. Double-click the padlock icon for verification of the website you are using.
  • Review credit card and bank account statements as soon as you receive them to determine whether there are any unauthorized charges. If your statement is late by more than a week, call the Bank to confirm your billing address and account balances.
  • If using online banking services, keep your login credentials confidential. User names and passwords should not be given out nor written down. It is a good idea to change your password every 45 days or so.
  • If using The MINT National Bank's Online Banking, be sure to check your daily/weekly email notifications. These notifications can alert you to suspicious activity long before your monthly statement is issued.
  • Install virus protection software on your computers and run full system scans often. Be sure you have the most up-to-date version of your virus protection software installed.

Visit for a fun, informative website to help protect yourself against phishing scams.

Zelle Pay it Safe Education Center

We’re here to empower you with knowledge on using Zelle® safely and avoiding common scams. Explore resources, test your knowledge and get new tips on how to keep your money safe in a digital world.

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